Friday, June 13, 2008


I've been a bad blogger. I'm sorry.

Right now, I'm in a public library in Florence, Kentucky, waiting for Seanboy to pick up me, Iris, and Jon and transport us to Versailles, Ohio, where we're playing in an ultimate tournament Saturday and Sunday. The tournament is called Poultry Days, and it's a great time. Unfortunately, I can't actually PLAY, since I am still minus one untorn ligament in my ankle. Lateral movements are risky at best. So I'll be hanging out on the sidelines, making friends and probably drinking beer. We set up camp in this library because it is right off the freeway, and we took over the children's section. Jon has his still-damp laundry draped over some chairs, and has spread his peronal effects all over one of the children's tables. These effects include a lone cigarette, a dirty bandana, and a pair of underwear.

Riding in Kentucky is incredible. It is so beautiful here. I am not entertaining notions of remaining in Kentucky, but it is absolutely a place I would consider living someday.

Next week, we're traveling back into Kentucky, where we're going to ride the Bourbon Trail and continue west. After that, we'll head into Kansas, which is supposed to be flat and boring and filled with corn.


Val said...

Ah, the Bore-bun Trail.

When are you getting to Boulder.


Gene Parmesan said...

Do you like that song "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry? I kinda like the Jill Sobule song by the same name better - I definitely believe her more.