Monday, June 16, 2008

Shameless Plug

This is Iris's webpage. She is biking to raise money for disabled veterans, and Jon and I are riding to support her. I realized that I'd never actually sent many of you that link. Check it out - she is amazing.

Also, against my better judgement, I will provide you with a link to Jon's blog, which is slightly more candid than mine is:



colinmrichardson said...

Three posts in one day with a mild form of carpal tunnel. I smell movie of the week.

Unknown said...

For those of you who aren't aware, Hx was born in the south Christiansburg VA to be exact... forgive her, it's in her blood she can't help it.

Anonymous said...

Body's in withdrawal
Everytime you take it away
Can't you hear me callin'
Begging you to come out and play?

Are those lyrics from a Ryan Adams song about love gone wrong and a struggle with cocaine addiction? Well they certainly could be- alas no. They are lyrics to the popular Mandy moore song "Candy". Ponder THAT while you're biking.
Ugh.. why is dating ex pop tartlets so avant garde.

Unknown said...

Cait honey, snap out of it.. Mandy is so 5 years ago....
Mandy has since dismissed her earlier albums in an interview with Jane magazine: "I feel bad that people wasted their money on such trite, blah pop music." rock on..

irocket said...

HX, I am incredibly proud, impressed and jealous of what you're doing now. I think I might wants to emulate you. Enjoy the pain, many would like to be in your shoes and glad to see you smelling roses on the way. Blog when you want, makes it more interesting. On the local front, beat Jack and Devin in pre-marley matches, forcing Devin (college tennis player) to purchase new hardware for the tourney. Jodie doing great, Uncle Pat lost like 50 lbs and Grandma down the shore for the summer grumbling about bad cardplay. Love Ya